Behold the Watch-HTML Mime Type for Apple Watch
Litmus just published a post on how you can create content that is specifically meant for the Apple Watch. The article came about after Dan Foody of Cloze discovered the existence of a special text/watch-html mime type.
Key Takeaways:
- The text/watch-html mime type allows you to craft content that is only displayed in the Apple Watch. Other email clients will ignore this special mime type.
- Apple Watch displays the subject line and pre-header in the message list view. This pre-header is still culled from the regular text/html portion of the email.
- Apple Watch will render the text/plain part of an email if the text/watch-html part does not exist. Apple Watch will not render any content when the email is opened if the email only contains a text/html part.
- You can send tests of email with the Watch-HTML mime type using Litmus’ Putsmail
Latest Comments
Apple Watch d o e s render emails if they only contain a text/html part. But this part needs to be absolutely correct Apple Watch HTML. Otherwise ther ist no fallback and no content is shown.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for chiming in! What constitutes as “absolutely correct Apple Watch HTML”?