A recent FreshInBox post 3 Steps to Create an Interactive Email using CSS showed how to create simple mouseover image effects that work with most of the major webmail clients including Outlook 2003.
If you tried out the example in that
Send Yourself an Example of an Interactive Email

I've put up a page that allows you to send yourself an example of the Interactive Email that I covered in the article 3 Steps to Create an Interactive Email Using CSS.
Hello from FreshInbox!

Welcome to FreshInbox's first post.
The idea for this blog started when LinkedIn introduced their Intro app for the iPhone. The app inserts an interactive LinkedIn widget featuring the sender's profile inside the email. Although it felt like the widget incorporated JavaScript, which
The idea for this blog started when LinkedIn introduced their Intro app for the iPhone. The app inserts an interactive LinkedIn widget featuring the sender's profile inside the email. Although it felt like the widget incorporated JavaScript, which