Yahoo Mail Android Only Supports Style Tag in Email Body

Although the Android and iOS versions of the Yahoo! Mail app look similar, there is a key difference between them and that is the iOS version supports <style> in both the head as well as the body of the email whereas the
How to Restart CSS Animations in Email Using The :active Pseudo-Class
Posted in Digest, Interactive Email, Interactive Email Tutorials, Kinetic Email by Justin On March 9, 2017

One of the questions often asked about CSS animations is "Why use CSS animations when an animated gif works in many more clients?"
Until now, the answer seems to be that CSS animations are more fluid, has smaller filesize and a much higher
Until now, the answer seems to be that CSS animations are more fluid, has smaller filesize and a much higher
How to Prevent Gmail From Displaying An Image Download Button In Your Email

If you have unlinked images in your email and the image is above a certain size, Gmail will display an image download icon when you move the cursor over the image.
Check out this article to learn some of the techniques you can
Check out this article to learn some of the techniques you can
Holiday Interactive Emails

The holidays are a busy time for email marketers as it is the peak shopping season. However the holidays also provide a ripe opportunity to for email marketers to fire up their creative juices.
Here are some really cool campaigns that
Here are some really cool campaigns that
Interactive Puzzle in an Email

I built an interactive puzzle for an Email on Acid promo. It features rotating four letter combinations that when unlocked displayed a link for a coupon. There were quite a lot of techniques put into the example and it was really fun
Minesweeper Interactive Email: An Interview with Camille Palu and miah roberts

Camille and miah have been creating some pretty cool interactive emails lately on their table tr td website. One of the really cool ones is this interactive Minesweeper game that you can play right in the email!
Check out this
Check out this
How to Implement the Ken Burns Effect in Email

Ken Burns effects are slow pan and zoom animations that are often applied to images to bring about a "video like" quality. The effects can liven up a carousel or can be used with other interactive techniques to make an email more
Four Interactive Email Fallback Strategies

A key consideration when building interactive email or kinetic campaigns is fallback content planning. Specifically what content to display in clients that do not support interactive email content.
Check out this article to learn the four fallback strategies.
Check out this article to learn the four fallback strategies.
Gmail Rolls Out Media Queries Support BUT…

Its finally here! Gmail rolled out support for embedded styles and media queries yesterday night.
Super awesome! However, all is not hunky dory...
Super awesome! However, all is not hunky dory...
Gmail Announces Support for Embedded Styles and Media Queries

Today Gmail made a huge announcement that will forever change the way we code emails. Gmail will be supporting embedded styles! That means... you got it. No more inlining!
Here's Gmail's documentation on what is supported.
Read Geoff Phillips analysis on the
Here's Gmail's documentation on what is supported.
Read Geoff Phillips analysis on the