The New Yahoo! Mail and How to Target It

Yahoo! Mail released an update that came with a new UI, a few new features and some performance improvements. Yahoo! Mail also made some tweaks on how they process CSS as well. The significant change is that the new Yahoo! Mail no Removes Placeholder Links in Email strips certain kinds of placeholder links. This article explains how you can use placeholders in your links that won't be stripped by
Gmail Rolls Out Media Queries Support BUT…

Its finally here! Gmail rolled out support for embedded styles and media queries yesterday night.
Super awesome! However, all is not hunky dory...
Super awesome! However, all is not hunky dory...
Responsive Email in Gmail: A Win For the Email Community

The email community banded together and tried to convince the Gmail team that supporting embedded styles and media queries would lead to a better user experience for their own users. For a long time, nothing seemed to change.
Finally, it looks like we
Finally, it looks like we
Gmail Supports display:none and Gmail iOS Font Fix Update

One of my most often used hacks is the dash hack or hack to prevent the Gmail iOS app from drastically increasing the font size for certain emails. The technique took advantage of the fact that Gmail doesn't support display:none.
Microsoft’s Slow March To Email Redemption

You might have tuned in to Litmus' "industry changing" announcement at the Litmus Conference that they will begin collecting feedback and bug reports on Microsoft's behalf for the various Outlook email clients. It is so good to hear that Microsoft is taking
The Outlook Rosetta Stone

Jason Rodriguez and Ed Giardina dug up from the annals of the internets the Microsoft Office HTML and XML Reference. It contains a comprehensive list of the infamous Outlook (and Office) mso- properties and their uses. This document might one day
Gmail, We Need To Talk

I posted an "open letter" to Gmail on TechCrunch about why better HTML/CSS support will help Gmail's goal to get developers excited about innovations in email.
Read the article
Read the article
How I Helped Make Office 365 a Little Safer

A few months back, while testing clients for kinetic CSS support I stumbled upon something peculiar when I opened a test email in Office 365. A purple div was appearing at the bottom left of the browser window within the area
Hybrid Collapsible Menu For Email

Here's a collapsible navigation menu for email that uses the :checked selector when available and :hover when not. Certain email clients as well as email service providers don't support checkboxes in email so when checkboxes are stripped, this technique continues to work