Outlook.com removes all content within conditional comments

However I recently noticed that Outlook.com is stripping content within ALL conditional comments! Content that only used to be hidden only in Outlook is now also hidden in Outlook.com.
4 Email Examples that are Pushing the Envelope of Email
Posted in Email Marketing, Interactive Email, Interactive Email Tutorials by Justin On August 3, 2014

Animated gifs can be an effective technique to increase reader engagement by catching the eye of the recipient. There are a number of alternative innovative ways to boost reader engagement, and here are 4 of my favorites in terms of originality and uniqueness.
Gmail Please Fully Support The Style Tag #CanHasStyle

Dear Gmail,
Thank you for all the wonderful new innovations in Gmail over the past year: Action Buttons, Related Google+ Page Widget, Inbox Tabs and most recently Grid View. They're all very exciting for us email geeks.
However, the lack of <style> tag (embedded CSS)* support in Gmail is a real pain. Your peers Yahoo! Mail, Outlook.com and AOL Mail have long supported it and so do the majority of mobile email clients...
Thank you for all the wonderful new innovations in Gmail over the past year: Action Buttons, Related Google+ Page Widget, Inbox Tabs and most recently Grid View. They're all very exciting for us email geeks.
However, the lack of <style> tag (embedded CSS)* support in Gmail is a real pain. Your peers Yahoo! Mail, Outlook.com and AOL Mail have long supported it and so do the majority of mobile email clients...
How to Get your Logo to Display in Gmail Grid View

Since Gmail introduced Grid View there has been a lot of buzz on creating imagery that is optimized for the Gmail's Grid View. A distinct part of the Grid View is the sender's logo and unfortunately logos of a lot of prominent brands are not showing up in Grid View...
Tool to Create an Interactive Image in an Email

Over the past several months some readers have expressed interest in using some of the interactive email techniques covered by some of my blog posts.
In an effort to make these techniques even more accessible I created a Rollover Image for Email Tool that generates the necessary HTML and CSS covered in 3 Steps to Create An Interactive Email...
In an effort to make these techniques even more accessible I created a Rollover Image for Email Tool that generates the necessary HTML and CSS covered in 3 Steps to Create An Interactive Email...
Here’s a Tool to Test Featured Images for Gmail’s new Promotions Tab Grid View Layout

I wrote this tool over the weekend to experiment with Google's new Featured Images markup that allows the sender to designate a "featured image" of the email to be displayed when the recipient opens the Promotions tab in Grid View.
Why Your Email May be Missing a Featured Image in the Gmail Grid View [Updated]

Gmail launched Grid View two days ago that featured listed emails in a grid view like a Pinterest pinboard.
One thing caught my eyes immediately. A fair number of emails did not have a featured image even though there were fairly large images in the content of the email.
Update: This article has been updated with the latest findings as of 4/10/2014.
Update: This article has been updated with the latest findings as of 4/10/2014.
How to Create an Image Carousel for Email – Part 2 [Web & Desktop]
Posted in Email Marketing, Email Resource, Interactive Email, Interactive Email Tutorials by Justin On March 24, 2014

Gmail’s recent big marketshare bump
Posted in Email Marketing by Justin On March 20, 2014

Litmus publishes a report of email marketshare based upon the statistics that they collect from emails that are tracked using their Email Analytics service. In the February 2014 report, I noticed Gmail made a leap from 3.02% to 10.27% in marketshare from Nov 2013 to Feb 2014. ..
How to Create an Image Carousel for Email – Part 1 [Mobile]
Posted in Email Resource, Interactive Email, Interactive Email Tutorials by Justin On February 25, 2014

This is a two part article that will walk through how to build a thumbnail driven image carousel in an email. In this post we will work on getting it to work on mobile clients - specifically the native iPhone and Android mail app...